How to Deploy Online Help in your Application Server?


  • You must have your content ready.
  • If the translation is required. Ensure you translated all the content and saved the files under the respective language codebase folder.
  • Please replace <<JBOSS_HOME>> with relative path when you copy the file in multiple Application Servers.

How to transform the files:

  1. On your Authoring Tool (Oxygen Author), navigate to DITA Maps > Apply Transformation Scenario(s). A “Transformation with” pop-up window is displayed.
  2. On the Transformation with pop-up window. Select the Project and click Edit. An Edit DITA Scenario pop-up window is displayed.
  3. On the Edit DITA Scenario pop-up window, click on Output tab and provide an Output directory path in the Output directory field.
    Note: Your Output directory folder name should be something like, <<drive>>\JSDN<<projectname>>_<<language code>>.war format.


    If you are transforming Customer Admin role based help files, then your Output directory folder name should be in “d:\JSDNCustomerAdmin_en_US.war” format. For End User role it should be in “d:\JSDNEndUser_en_US.war” format. Similarly, you need to perform for all other roles.

  4. Once you transform all your role based help files.

    How to deploy the Online Help files into Application Servers:

    1. Compress all the files into
    2. Access the Application Server and copy the file into following Application Server location.

    Application Server location - <<JBOSS_HOME>>/standalone/deployments/jsdnhelp.ear folder.

    Example: /d01/wildfly-9.0.2.Final/standalone/deployments/jsdnhelp.ear folder.

    ls – to verify whether the file is copied or not.

    unzip -o <<file name>>

    Example: unzip –o

    Repeat step - 2 to copy the file in each Application Servers.

    1. Remove the file from your Application Server.
    2. Login to your application and verify the changes.
    Note: Before you log in to your application, ensure you clear all your browser cookies.